# QrcodeCapture

# Browser Support

The newest API this component depend on is the FileReader API. Vue Native is not supported (see #206).

Internet Explorer Edge Firefox Chrome Safari
10+ Yes Yes Yes Yes¹
  1. It doesn't work in web apps added to home screen (PWA mode) on iOS prior to 11.3 (see this StackOverflow question)

# Events

# decode

  • Payload Type: String

The component renders to a simple file picker input element. Clicking opens a file dialog. On supporting mobile devices the camera is started to take a picture. The selected images are directly scanned and positive results are indicated by the decode event. You can also select multiple images at the same time (still one event per image though).

However, if no QR code is pictured or an error occurs, decode silently fails.

<qrcode-capture @decode="onDecode" />
methods: {
  onDecode (decodedString) {
    // ...

# detect

  • Payload Type: Promise<Object>

The detect event is basically a verbose version of decode. detect is emitted as soon as you confirm your file selection or the foto you took with your camera. detect carries a Promise which resolves when scanning the images has finished. The Promise rejects in case of errors. Additionally, detect gives you the unprocessed raw image data and the coordinates of the QR code in the image.

<qrcode-capture @detect="onDetect" />
methods: {
  async onDetect (promise) {
    try {
      const {
        imageData,    // raw image data of image/frame
        content,      // decoded String or null
        location      // QR code coordinates or null
      } = await promise

      if (content === null) {
         // decoded nothing
      } else {
         // ...
    } catch (error) {
      // ...

# Props

QrcodeCapture has no explicitly defined props. However, checkout the components template:

<template lang="html">

Because the input element is the root element of the component and because Vue components accept non-prop attributes you can make use of any valid input attribute:

<qrcode-capture disabled />

You can even remove or replace already defined attributes:

<qrcode-capture :multiple="false" capture="user" />

# Slots

no slots